I think the important thing to focus on is - How does she feel about school? Does she enjoy it? Is she bored? Is she learning anything?

I think it's important for kids to know that school is for LEARNING. It seems silly, but we realized this year that our DS8 thinks that school is a place where you go to tell people things you already know!! He honestly didn't understand that the other children were actively learning new things while they were there. This has led to some unfortunate problems, one of which is perfectionism, and the idea that only a 100% is a 'good' grade. We had him tested and luckily got him a spot a local charter school which will allow him to work at his own pace/level (well, we HOPE so! He doesn't go until this fall.)

If your daughter has an ASD diagnosis, you can probably get a full neuropsychological eval covered by your insurance - that should result in a full set of cognitive scores that will help you see where her strengths and weaknesses are. The school should (whenever you setup an IEP) do a cognitive and achievement test with her. Just because they don't have an official G&T program at her age, doesn't mean you can't fight for her to have an appropriate education. smile
