Next month DH and I are taking two of my DSS (14 and 16) and our 6yo DS camping. The DSS's LOVE to fish and will spend a lot of their time on the water. DS6 is excited for the trip and loves being outdoors but has never been "real" camping and isn't particularly interested in fishing. I am trying to think up some fun science-y things for him to do. Every time we go to the nature center or do anything outside he finds all kinds of things to ask questions about, wonder about, or collect.
I am looking more for things that I can have in mind for when the "I'm bored" or "I wanna do something else" times strike. He's already mentioned keeping a "nature journal" while he's there and I'll probably ask his Kindy teacher for any ideas that she has. Any other thoughts on things to keep his brain and body both occupied? (We'll be there for 5 days)

Thanks in advance!