So it looks certain that dd11 will be skipping 6th grade and starting 7th in the fall (well actually August). Math is her relative weakness, but she has still been around the 98th-99% on grade level tests. Explore score in 5th on math was 14 (only 11th% compared to Duke TIP 2011 5th graders). On WISC IV VMI was relatively weak (119) compared to VCI (148).

She was in a private Montessori until the end of Feb., since then in public 5th grade classroom (and, sadly, I am not sure what exactly they do for math). I don't have grade level CRCTs for 5th or the 7th grade above level testing results yet. I am sure that part of why her math score isn't higher is because she just hasn't been exposed to the stuff yet.

So, my question is, what if they say yes to the skip but want to keep her in regular 7th grade math instead of honors?
This is the criteria for math placement:

Math 7th-completion of math 6th

Math 7th advanced-completion of math 6th ADV with 90% or greater test average OR 92% or greater test avg to move from math 6 AND 860 on 6th grade math CRCT or top 20%

Math 7th/8th-completion of math 6/7 with 92% test avg. and 875 on6th grade crct or top 20%

I think the middle one would be fine for her, but she would prob need to do some work over the summer. So, tips on what to say/do if school wants her in lowest 7th grade math level, and also on what resources to use over the summer.

Thank you! Meeting is on 24th.

Last edited by deacongirl; 05/18/12 05:44 AM.