To answer Grinity, dd9's current situation is kind of complicated. He's technically in 4th, but he's been in the 5th grade class.

I don't have total confidence the ideas for challenge next year (a mentor for a passion project, online math) will end up happening. If they worked as planned, it would be fantastic.

Socially, he's an easy kid to be around, so I think his relationships with both teachers and other students is really good. He's friends with both 4th & 5th graders, but he pretty much chooses only a couple of kids to be good friends with.

He's in a competitive year-round sport that he's really good at. He trains every day, so we don't have after-school time for additional outside challenge. That's why it's so important to him that he not waste his time at school.

I'm just venting. I had hoped we would have the option of this middle school skip if it's something my son wanted to do after a shadow. My preference is not a skip, though. So I guess this just alleviates the agony of a decision.

Last edited by syoblrig; 05/16/12 08:53 AM.