Originally Posted by Iucounu
I think a single grade skip will be worthless academically, but can be good to do anyway at this stage. Recommendations are usually against skipping more than one grade at a time for social/maturational reasons anyway, and this way the school will already have acknowledged that your son has special needs. I'd also apply to the DYS program; your family consultant will probably have some useful input and can help advise the school. Good luck, and welcome.
I agree with Iucounu 100% - do take the skip if offered, and keep you eyes open to see if an opportunity arises to ask for subject acceleration in maybe Math or Reading or Both. I seriously doubt that your local gifted private school would be a good fit without some serious accomidations, and while some private school are wonderful about that, most have a sort of snotty 'all the kids here are gifted, so you get what we offer' sort of attitude. It may be worth touring the school, asking about scholarships and bringing work samples to use while asking very pointed questions about what grade level this sort of work would fit in with.

Another idea is to keep the nanny for another year and 'homeschool' kindy, and start school next year as a 2nd grader. Is the kindy a full day or half day? Kids seem to do better with half day programs even if they don't meet his needs academically.

Anyway - Welcome, and get to work on the DYS application, ok?


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