My son who used to be very interested in neuropsychology says he now wants to be an actor/voice actor or teacher. He has been reading about people who are teaching English in Japan and he would like to do that for a few years. He says he can see himself teaching anything but math.

We have homeschooled since he finished kindergarten but it always seemed like he taught me more than I taught him. We have been doing a mix of unschooling and co-learning for years. This year he was very interested in political science and taught me a lot about that. He always managed to find really good educational videos for me to watch and Wikipedia articles and books. He teaches by having me read and watch really good educational videos that he finds online. He also asks me questions to make sure I was paying attention and understood the material, but my favorite thing is that he sometimes uses humorous scenarios (making use of his improv acting and sound effects) to make a point. He just has so much passion for the things he learns and shares with me. He reminds me of a community college Business Law teacher I had years ago that I liked because he made something that I might have found kind of boring much more interesting. I used to wonder if that guy was a part time actor or comedian.