Hey all,

My 12 year old daughter is reading at a lexile score of 1550 (which puts her in the college age range as far as vocab/comp goes). In her school reading class, they are insisting that she read books at her lexile score. The problem is that so many books at that level--that are on themes that she is interested in--just aren't age appropriate. She may read and comprehend at a high level, but that doesn't make her emotionally mature enough to read a lot of what is out there. She is quite young in the maturity department (i.e. she still likes to play with dolls, is not at all interested in boys, would rather read than do just about anything else...)

She loves fantasy and adventure books and has devoured things like the Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling series in the past. She read the Hunger Games series when it came out (early 09?), although that is emotionally challenging for the age. I've tried to encourage her to branch out into mystery, sci-fi, etc. with some success. She very much enjoyed Patricia Briggs' Mercedes Thompson series, but that has a lot of violence, some intimacy, and even a rape incident (we had some interesting conversations when she came to that book...eek). At least the main character is non-traditional and powerful (she is an auto-mechanic who owns her own shop).

She still enjoys reading things at a lower level (heck, I think we all do at times!), but we are trying to meet a school requirement here, so I'm a bit stumped.

Do any of you have suggestions for what she might read?