It sounds like some parents here have had good experiences with scout camps. I am going to put in 2 cents on the opposite side. In our area, Girl Scout camps are set up so the counselors do NOT share a tent or cabin with the girls (some warped sense that the kids are safer without an adult...). So it is sort of Lord of the Flies, especially at the middle school age. Both of my kids had trouble with that. On top of that, our local Girl Scout camps hire almost all foreign counselors. It helps keep the cost down... but the counselor's English is not great... and again, they have trouble dealing with "mean girls" because they don't really get the language nuances.

I am sure some locations may handle this differently, but for our kids it was not a good experience. I was a troop leader for a lot of years, and am all for troop level activities and ones where parents go along. But not so much the camps run by the councils, at least in our neck of the woods.