Originally Posted by leahchris
The kdg books were boring him to tears, ...I have finally found books he loves, such as Ready Freddy and Nate the Great. He helps me read the first paragraph and I finish it from there. We have a lot of fun reading together.

I'm so glad you have a great teacher, but to be honest, it makes me worry more - what are the odd that the next year and the year after that the teacher will be as amazing. DS also had an amazing teacher - 3rd grade. But even highly skilled, well meaning teachers were very very hard on him.

I loved the Nate the Great books as a kid. I think there is also a series called 'the great brain' he might like. And try some Bruce Coville Magic shop books. Also pick up something meatier, such as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for a read aloud, if you haven't tried that yet.


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