Hi all -
Added: this post is long - sorry! I'm wondering if others have experience with Stanford Achievement Tests pointing to dyslexia/processing disorders, and if anyone knows details about what the subtests are - I get to those questions below!

My DS11 is a DYS, and it has been wonderful for him. I've wondered about DD, now 8 - she is a very different kid. But I can see how she would benefit even more than he, I think, from the school gifted offerings - she is super quiet in school, and tends to be invisible unless we work hard to prevent it. In the small gifted program she would have more opportunity to shine.

I first asked some of her teachers if she could have a possible processing disorder when she was 3 - she could not seem to learn her letters. She has a fabulous memory for events but couldn't translate that to the page. Everyone told me that she was fine, toward the middle/low end of the curve, no worries.

Now, in 2nd grade, midway through the year she'd gone from "grade level" in reading to qualifying for remediation. Her comprehension is quite good - it's the reading aloud that she struggles with, makes lots of little errors. She's improved some with the remediation, but still will not read on her own - even though she loves stories.

In fact, one of her most unique characteristics is the way she will spend HOURS in her room developing elaborate stories with minimal props – yesterday it was a handful of markers. She’ll come up with these plots and story lines and act out all the parts. It’s pretty impressive.

Yesterday we got the results of her school gifted screening. Her Otis-Lennon score was 133, which qualifies her for school; but she has to also have 95 percentile on the Stanford Achievement Tests, and she was not close. (76 percentile). (Side note – our DYS did not qualify through this screening test either – he had already had individual testing showing him in the PG range which the school accepts, but his scores were only mediocre on these tests – and actually, many of DD’s scores are higher than his were on this same test.)

She has many scores in the 80s and 90s, a few in the 70s – but then a handful of low ones that bring it all down. The most striking is spelling – 15th percentile! Others are Word Study Skills under reading in the 47th percentile, and Mathematics Procedures in the 58th percentile.

I think we will do some private testing and see what we can learn. Here are my questions for all of you experts, though. 
--I can’t find any info on those 3 tests (spelling, word study skills, mathematics procedures). I was curious if there is any similarity between them?
--Any thoughts/experience on kids with scores split on these different subtests?

Hm…I’m not sure if this should go under testing or 2E. I may post in both places, and apologize if the cross-post is not appropriate....

Thanks so much!!