We had ds5's IEP meeting this morning and it went really, really well. I have heard so many horror stories that each time one of these goes well I am surprised!
I wanted to mention something I did on a whim that really worked out in our favor. Since this was for a new school that he will be attending in the Fall, I wanted them to get to know ds and to have something they could refer to as they were selecting teachers/placing students.
I made a brochure for him in MS Publisher. It had his picture, full name and birth date on the cover. Inside I listed his major personality traits and learning style information. I then added the general type of personality traits he would do well with in a teacher. The next section was about his diagnosis, information about the types of accommodations he would need to thrive, information on how we have learned it is best to interact with ds (nothing revolutionary...make eye contact when you talk to him, use positive words, etc.) and on the back I included more photos and that chart that has been floating around Pinterest about how to care for introverts.

We had 5 representatives from his educational team there and they all loved it. Everyone wanted a copy. The principal said she was so glad to have all of the information she needed in one place. She made a copy for his personal file to have on hand for him.

It was simple to make and print and it really made an impact. Especially since only one of these five people actually knew my son. I think the pictures did a good job of making him real and not just an IEP. I wanted them to know what a joy my ds at the same time they were learning about his challenges.

Our district isn't perfect but I came away from the meeting really feeling like everyone there was entirely committed to my son's education. Like it wasn't going to be an uphill battle of fighting tooth and nail for everything he needs. Such a relief!