I have a school meeting next month and I have a question about acceleration. We are considering early K (testing psych. recommends it) and our 4 year old has been accepted. The school has K by itself but 1-6 is together. I think my son's skills are within the range of normal for K. His ability to understand concepts and participate in discussions about advanced concepts is way beyond K.
The whole school learns kind of the same thing at the same time. For example, if the concept is space, the preschoolers will be introduced to the planets and sing songs about the moon, stars, rockets etc. The K will take it further, maybe learning about moon cycles, comets, types of stars and the 1-6 will go even further with the concepts. This pattern follows in most of the science and cultural/social studies type concepts introduced.
I think the 1-6 depth on these concepts would be a better fit for him. However, there is no way he has the skills to do work at that level. His handwriting, reading, etc. Is just not up to that speed.
I am looking for ideas on how to approach this. It is a delicate situation because if you recall from my earlier posts, preschool at this school as a bad fit for him. I kind of feel like we are pushing their limits with early K. I am not looking to have him in the 1-6 classroom all the time or even part of the time. Just to have access to kids and material that are at his thinking level.
We had some awkward moments last week with him playing with two different five year olds. On multiple occasions he had to explain what the words he was using meant. He handled it fine but you could tell he was getting frustrated. I just want him to be able to stretch his brain without his little four year old body with it's poor coordination holding him back.