"submit" gave me a blank page, so hopefully I am not posting twice here. Well, in general, things are moving in the right direction. DS actually advocated for himself when he started math at middle school. Now he is taking Algebra 2. His HS classmates totally accept him and his teacher is just wonderful. Next year, he will also be accelerated in science. The middle school does not quite ability group for classes, but he does have other kids of similar ability in his classes. He still has behavioral issues, such as like being a class clown, too slow following instructions, "telling" teacher he is bored. I am working with him to get his personality and asynchronous development under control. Overall, the school works with me; but it is hard to ask every teacher to differentiate their teaching to match his ability, given 30+ kids on the entire spectrum of ability in each class. He and I treasure moments when he tells me he has learned something new at school when I pick him up after school. I am thrilled about how much his PE teacher adores him. DS is literally the smallest (i.e. age and size) in PE class, so maybe his effort really shows there, and his grade isn't shabby, either.