Grr, I just deleted my post, hate that!!

So starting over, I am looking for help from the experts - got the OT eval (yes DeeDee got it before the meeting!). basically after reading the write up I am wondering if he has dysgraphia.

The report focused on low tone, lack of core strength, funny arm positioning, weak fine motor, and some visual spatial, some sensory issues.

But I find myself feeling a bit defensive and argumentative about the report - in that it was hard to read, and that some things sound so much worse than what we see, so are we excusing it or are they making it sound worse.

And then what do I do in the meeting - I am worried that my natural instincts to lead the conversation and defend DS are inappropriate but am also worried that he does need defending and advocating because some of the things cited are absolutely because he is bored - which I know I can't mention! I discussed here the concerns i had before the eval and I have to say some of them still stand even though he needs help. I feel very protective of who he is and I also feel like he is making progress, so I feel very MamaBearish! Especially those posts about esteem, he is so proud of himself in so many other areas and feels so bad in this one. So I want him to have tools - I don't want him to feel like I did, covering it up after I was no longer able to compensate for the dyslexia.

So what do I want for DS - in school OT, out of school OT, what kind of accommodations would he need - do we need further diagnoses? I want him to feel confident in his writing, I want him on par with his peers, I want him easily able to express himself and do it independently.

What specific OT improves this kind of issue - he is much better now at not mixing up the type of letter, although still does it, what he is not great at is working independently on writing and spacing issues. My thought was to focus on spacing since that seems to hinder legibility so much.

