Thanks for your replies.

To answer your questions - yes he is 6 & in grade 1.

Writing - it is/has taken a while for him to grasp spaces between words & writing between the lines. He often tries to rush his written work which means it can be messy.

Reading - he struggles with sounding out the words & reading sentences. He seems ok if you give him sight words but reading a sentence is a problem. He isn't heaps behind in reading but his teacher made mention of it & where she expects him to be at the end of the term.

Homework - for most of his home work he is really good & loves it, however, part of his home is writing 10 words x 3 times & he absolutely hates it. It becomes like pulling teeth so the teacher has made some suggestions on how to work with him on that.

An example she gave us was his spelling test which he does tend to do quite well at but what he is does he reads through the whole thing at the start of the test & by the time he has done that others are half way through & he is only just starting.

Overall his teacher doesn't appear to be concerned about where he is, well enough to mention it to us at parent teacher but not enough where she has recommended any external intervention. She has suggested things we can do at home. I'm wondering if I should meet with her again to discuss further or what??