Thanks everyone!!

The meeting was actually this afternoon. It went really well.

The only "test" they want to do is the KTEA. The school psychologist was accepting of almost all the test that were done and without any need for prompting- acknowledged that the full scale IQ score was greatly depressed due to working memory index scores.

All in the meeting that have dealt with DS or have observed him seemed to tell the same story of behaviors and inconsistency with his school work. So everyone one this end are in agreement at least about that.

So now the evaluation process begins. They are suppose to have it all finished before summer break. Hoping that the other steps are just as easy and pain free as this portion of the process was!!

The only thing that threw us today was the mention of screening for ASD. Gotta say that this freaked me out a little. After hearing everyone verbally talk about DSs behaviors and social interactions- I am freaking out that this might lead a different direction that I was ever considering. Heck- I am still trying to come to terms with the whole unexpected ADHD dx!!!

Thanks again everyone for all the awesome support and information.