So my meeting with my son's teacher a couple of weeks ago SEEMED to go really well. It seems that she was just telling me what I wanted to hear, though, because nothing has changed. The "more advanced" math he was supposed to do started out as different worksheets that were essentially on the same level. Now he is back to doing the same as everyone else - which, incidentally, is exactly the same sheets that he did last year. To make matters worse, his teacher collapsed the three reading groups into one. So he is not getting more challenging spelling words either, and is in a reading group where he has to sit around and wait for the kids that can barely read before he moves on. (He is reading at a fifth grade level now - and while I sympathize with the kids who are having trouble, it doesn't help EITHER group to do this.)
When I went to talk to his teacher about this today, she essentially told me that it was no big deal because the year was almost over anyway. The assistant made a snarky comment about how it doesn't matter what they teach him, because he doesn't pay attention in class anyway. (If he is not paying attention, and still bringing home 100's, SHOULDN'T THAT TELL YOU SOMETHING?!?)
Sorry for the rant - I came home in tears today, which is totally unlike me, and needed to vent a bit. I'll pick up the pieces and be ready to start the fight again tomorrow, I suppose.