Our DS2 (6th grade) took EXPLORE in Jan 2012 & has been invited to a state-level award ceremony, so that's great & we will go. However, I *assumed* DS2 would also qualify for a national award at Duke, based on his score. So I called Duke TIP a few weeks back & the lady said that no national awards ceremonies are held for EXPLORE or for the 7th grade talent search. She said that national award ceremonies have never been held for either. I remembered differently from the year DS1 took the ACT in 7th, so I checked online today & - sure enough - there IS a *Grand Ceremony* for very high-scoring test takers. However, the Grand Ceremony criteria does not reference EXPLORE test-takers, so perhaps EXPLORE students are not included? The thing is, the letter Duke sent our DS2 made no mention of EXPLORE, either. It only referenced the 7th grade ACT/SAT talent search - and DS2 did not take the ACT or SAT. He wasn't part of the 7th grade talent search.

Has anyone here had an EXPLORE test-taker who attended a national ceremony/grand ceremony?

I'm thinking of calling Duke TIP again, but thought I'd check here, first. Overall, I have been underwhelmed by lack of info from Duke TIP.
