UGH! How frustrating?
I'm not sure where you live but here is a link that Ohio uses for 2E. Warning it's a 108 pages long. It may have some useful information for you. I know it has discussions about hidden disabilities.

We had our DS1 category changed from SLD to OHI on his IEP. He is dyslexic but was working at grade level. He is also a type 1 diabetic. We changed the category because it would never be a grade level issue. He was listed as OHI, but had goals mostly related to his dyslexia and organization.

You have formal diagnoses for DS. Have you considered pushing back at the school by asking for not just 504 but IEP? If you make the formal request they are obligated to do a full evalution. My DS2 had a lot of anxiety in Elementary school, they had goals and accommodations on his IEP related to his anxiety.
