I was finding out the same thing 4 yrs ago.
SB5 and the same results. +/- .

Our friends Mother is a Professor at local University and Specializes in School Psychology - Assessment.
She gave him the SB5 and later confirmed our denial. LOL

Fast forward, he is now 9 in our Public School.
He is in his original 3rd grade class and is in the 5th grade HA math class.
He is in the 4th grade reading group.
We only have 5 Elementary grades then on to Middle School.

So now we are here.

Moral of the story:
Take it one year at a time.
Make as many friends as possible along the way.
Communicate with the teacher/teachers, Often. Let them see you.

It also might help to be VP of the PTO. I have not tried this one.
I only coach little league.

BTW: There are a lot of people here that are good at this stuff.

Last edited by mecreature; 04/12/12 08:13 AM.