DD3 goes to a pre-school where she has been for the most part happy. She complains that sometimes the other kids do not let her play with them. I have seen them be a bit exclusionary but for the most part its okay. DD does have something up although to young to decide what it is. She has had numerous dx from failure to thrive at the beginning, hypotonia, apraxia, potential mild CP and currently we have a new OT who thinks it maybe a sensory processing issue with some praxis. We had a full Autism evaluation done just before she was 3. She is slow to get dressed etc., does not really like to use her hands and though she can type a few words on the computer she can only make one letter (i). The pre-school is known amongst some of the parents of gifted kids to be good for gifties. Prior to placing her in the pre-school, I informed the teacher that she knew her ABC's upper case and lower case and all the sounds, her numbers etc. They give a pretty stupid evaluation test to all the students about two months into placement. The teacher told me that she was surprised about how my child did on the test. Her response being dramatic as she is a bit dramatic, "ohh the child can talk". SOoo Recently she has been obsessed with reading. She took in a Dick and Jane book because she wanted to read it to one of her friends. I informed the teacher that it was there as I was hoping for a bit of help on facilitating this current obsession. Well the teacher told me after that she had the book memorized and that she needed to learn her letters both upper case and lower case. She gave me this paper with capital letters on one side and lower case letters on the other. I took the teacher by the hand, over to DD and pointed to a few of the letters on the lower case side assuming that was the harder side and asked DD the name and sound of the letter. I am upset about this. I feel lost and scared and alone other than my husband. My husband is fantastically supportive, yet both of us lost. I think part of it is that if you watch my child with some of the issues she has, I think you could make an assumption in regards to her intelligence. I think I expected more. I do not really know what to do. I have started to do the pre-school shop around...and wonder if I should try and talk to them or just find another place to be. DD has been complaining about boredom recently. I think there was a place for my kiddo to "shine". She is not running around the playground and up and down the slides. But she could connect with these children on another level and read them a story. She seems to enjoy that as she requested to take the book again. I am concerned about exposing this skill in this environment now. Any ideas or suggestions or been there's would be really helpful....