This is my first post but I came on here for the same reason as you did. Our 6 year old (kindergarten) daughter was just assessed and is in the "Profoundly Gifted"range --we were also very shocked in some ways. We are working with her private school to come up with a plan. I am also applying for Davidson. I just read "Genius Denied" (which I highly recommend) and although I feel like I finally "get it", the more I know about this the more terrified I am of trying to get her what I need. I don't feel like I could homeschool her effectively. She is already in the process of a grade skip but is bored with some of the material if not all in the grade ahead of her. I just want to know that she is going to be ok. Why is this such an uphill battle with schools and educators? She clearly is highly capable.

I can't give advice, but I can let you know that I am right there with you. I don't feel like there are any parents going through what I am going through right now. 3 months ago I didn't know "Gifted" existed. Now I am scared to talk about my daughter with other parents because our situation is so different than anyone else. So this message board seems like a good place for moms in our situation....