I'm sorry I don't know of that specific program, but it's true that some gifted programs fit some (but not all) gifted kids.

That's why 'flexibility' on the part of the parents, school folks, and students is the key ingredient. Good luck. If possible, see if you can visit a 1st grade classroom under 'normal' conditions and observe the teachers, the students and classroom materials.

If for example, the classroom library shelf has a wide variety of levels of books, then you can feel encouraged. If the library shelf only has books your son read at age 4, then, well, you can worry.

Open houses can be very misleading, because it's a 'marketing experience.' Tiger parents can be a good sign, even if they don't feel like people you'd like as friends, because most of them have kids who are at least some level of guessing. (This is an unscientific wild guess, but that is how things look around here anyway.) Try and see what the school looks like on a normal day.


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