Absolutely! I think it's like the frog in the pot, it happened so gradually no one questioned it (public school changing from a useful and reasonable institution to a horrible prison for children where they have no rights and are at the mercy of oftentimes incompetent and downright mean adults for most of their days).

It's unconscionable that this is the accepted norm and that we are legally obligated to subject our children to it and bled for tax dollars to pay for it. Then we accept camping out for the few spots in good schools as a fact of life. There is no accountability for the schools. After watching "Waiting for Superman" I understand a lot of the problem is due to the tenured status of school teachers, no matter how rotten they are they cant be fired? That seems like it would just attract despicable and or incompetent people to the profession. The good teachers become frustrated at not being recognized for their efforts because they are treated the same as the bad ones...

Okay, my vent over, my DD is in a better place now and all of that is behind us. My prayers go out to those that are still trapped in the system.