warning: venting ahead

If only teachers spent the rest of the year supporting their 2E kids the way they do when it comes to state mandated testing that affects the teacher's and school's ranking.

All year I've had to battle to get my son's regular ed teachers to incorporate and accept accomodations in my son's IEP. In fact, two weeks ago one of his teachers informed him that he could no longer email assignments to her in case they had viruses in the attachments. She has expressed before that she thinks he's coddled and should just be held accountable.

But let the school be affected by his testing, and it's no holds barred, Baby. He has a scribe AND reader, a separate room, extended time. I'm surprised they didn't hire a massage therapist for him.

And while I support all of the accommodations, it's just so frustrating that the support doesn't extend to "real life".