I had no idea how to start this thread except honestly. I'm lost, I don't know what to do.

I hope this is the correct forum, I just registered in my blind search for answers on the net.

My son is 7, in 2nd grade, will be 8 in the summer.
He has ALL the characteristics. He tested at the end of 1st grade last year and did not pass. Close, but no cigar. It is common for him to test poorly.

I am currently TRYING to get him out of public school & into a charter, both have wonderful reviews, numbers & reputation. We are on waiting lists.

The problem: He's giving up.
1.) He is such a perfectionist he takes forever to get his "creative" work done & gets bad scores for it.
2.) He is daydreaming/failing to stay on task & is getting in trouble repeatedly.
3.) He is getting nothing but negativity so rather than TRY...he just quits.

I feel like I'm in a losing battle & I just want to cry. He NEEDS someone to see what's going on so he can get the help/encouragement he needs. *I* know what's happening - rather than fail or get more cross words he's just refusing to move forward. Why do it when it's beinging nothing but headache? Know what I mean?
Meanwhile, the teachers have seen it in him but can only do so much with 29 other students in their care AND without a passing gifted test.

I don't know what to do. I don't want him to fall through the cracks.