
My first post, however, I have been reading a while. I am struggling with how I am being treated at my dd's elementary school. I was hoping some of you might help me not feel so isolated in this journey. I have been struggling through kindergarten with my dd this year. It took months of advocacy to finally (halfheartedly at best) meet her at her skill level. It has been a crazy battle over the simplest of issues (they were determined not to test her reading above grade level even though I could list books she could read at home).

I probably have the best differentiation that I am going to get and am just counting the days until the end of the year. However, now the principal won't talk to me. Even a greeting is met with a dirty look. I have been very kind (probably too kind for how completely ridiculous some of the conversations have been - and the lack of follow-up on the things that the school has agreed to).

Has anyone successfully repaired these types of relationships? I could just not care, but it just seems unnecessarily stressful (I volunteer every week). Is this just my future?
