Originally Posted by bzylzy
If the PE is such a big issue, do you know much about his auditory profile?

No, I know nothing, but your description of your dd sounds so much like my ds. Since he was a baby, he's been quite sensitive to noise (and smells). He now can handle louder sounds than he used to, but I know he still gets startled fairly easily. Maybe he is reacting to the noise. When we found out that he was PG, I assumed this was an OE issue. I dealt with it too, though as with all other shared quirks, mine wasn't as intense as his. Hmmm... I'll have to ponder this and watch more closely. Thanks for sharing.

With my DD, she gets nervous when it’s a bunch of typical-mall-sort-of girls (not, for instance, girls she’ll meet in a “worm exploration’ class at the nature center) especially if all the girls are pretty glitzy or Justin-Bieber crazed, that seems to make DD nervous...but who wouldn’t be nervous LOL.

This sounds like me! Actually, I would typically roll my eyes and run in the other direction. Just kidding... I've learned to make allowances for all kinds, though some are easier than others. I KNOW people say the same about me. LOL

I’ve tried to read as much as I can about AS/Aspersers and I’m always confused, as I am when I read checklists for nonverbal learning disability, and even ADHD-inattentive. The higher the intelligence, the more unique the person, and not enough of them to study or have other people experience!

Yes! This has always been a source of confusion for me as well. They seem so similar, and without seeing other children who fall into these categories, I have a hard time telling where my ds really falls.

If only these kids were more gathered together and not so spread out, they could OPTIMIZE SOCIALLY with each other...well at least if they stay the course and find their place in the world, they’ll likely find each other at least when they’re a bit older. But their childhoods certainly are different than typical because they are so different. We love them though : -)

Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah, I so wish this could happen at least some of the time. That's why DYS seems appealing. Our ds had qualifying scores to apply for the DYS program, but we cannot get even one letter of recommendation. He's homeschooled and the contact we have with people doesn't really allow for him to shine. People will comment that he's smart, but that's all. I feel weird asking someone who doesn't teach him or know him well to write a recommendation. He generally keeps his smarts under wraps unless someone drags it out.