My DS7 is now in second grade and has struggled with reading assessments in all three grades.

Last year we tried to have him assessed for a learning disability through the school because he hated reading, wouldn't do his reading (he refused to read at all during the summer between K and 1st), and he was always in the bottom reading group. The school refused to do the assessment because he was at grade level, but our physiologist's assessment gave him a VCI of 140, average processing speeds and working memory, and possibly very highly visual spatial.

He currently reads fourth grade level books for fun (he likes them short with pictures, Danny DragonBreath)and likes Horrible Science books.

I talked with his teacher at his conference and she finally gave me his assessed reading level, 20. He hasn't read a book (except evidently in class) at that level since August of last year when he decided that he liked Nate the Great.

I've tried not to worry about it this year because he seemed happier in class, but it seems really strange to me that no one else seems to find this a bit off.

Should I be worried about a learning disability? I have also thought that he might be having trouble verbalizing what he sees in his head. He has told me that he is really distracted in class and so has the teacher. The kids sit with their desks in groups of 6. I am starting to wonder if he would be better off in a regular classroom.

I am just not sure what to do at this point. The teachers have not been very forthcoming. I know his teacher seems to think he is doing well, but this seems so odd.
