Hi all. I am very new here and have been lurking and reading through these discussion boards for a couple of weeks. I came to this site because DD8 was recommended to apply for DYS by tester (pending right now.)

I have learned loads from just reading and now suspect DS11 may have stealth dyslexia as well as dysgraphia. I had him privately tested last year (4th grade 9 yr 11 mo) because I suspected dysgraphia. His teacher kept telling me he was not working to his potential or showing what he knows on assignments though she knew that he is very bright and expressed complex and creative ideas in class discussion. (He was diagnosed ADHD by another round of pocket-draining tests after K and is medicated as well.)

His testing was

VCI 121
Similarities 14
Vocabulary 14
Comprehension 13
(Information) 16

PRI 141
Block Design 17
Picture Concepts 16
Matrix Reasoning 17
(Picture Completion) 14

Working Memory 113
Digit Span 13
Sequencing 12
(Arithemtic) 14

Processing 103
Coding 9
Symbol Search 12

Broad Reading 110
Broad Math 120
Broad Written Lang 99
Acad Skills 114
Acad Fluency 104
Acad Application 110

Rate 12
Accuracy 13
Fluency 13
Comprehension 13

Beery Visual Motor Intergration 95

My question: with a diagnosis of dysgraphia does considering "stealth dyslexia" add anything of value for him? Reading the description on this website tonight was a revelation. That's my DS! The mighty struggles at school, the underchievement, his struggle with reading aloud, silly mistakes on simple tests, the complete inability to spell anything at all, ever.

But is there any point to pursuing this? He does almost all his work on computer and (sometimes) gets extra time as an accommodation. He has actually made the A/B honor roll this year but I still have the uneasy feeling school isn't even touching his potential. He is a fantastic abstract thinker with very superior non-verbal problem solving skills. It doesn't seem like elementary school even has offerings for this skill set.

Is further action required? Thoughts?