Originally Posted by jack'smom
Last week for homework my son had to "name polygons." They connected the dots and drew rays. He named his first polygon after himself and the second one after his friend.
I thought he was goofing off but that actually was the homework! It was so they feel "good" about shapes and geometry.

It sounds like all the teachers understand is how to connect dots. IMHO math is like this because the teachers are like this.

Originally Posted by jack'smom
so..... It's great that my child is being prepared for the global economy!
Supposedly if your child is good at math and takes the honors math all the way through, they will take Geometry in 8th grade, Algebra II in 9th grade, ?Pre-calc in 10th grade, AP AB calculus in 11th grade, and AP BC calculus in 12th grade. So that is really very good. Maybe it just starts really slow or something.

IMHO if kids can do that program, then most could do Calc in the 10th grade which means Algebra in the 6th. We have been doing Calc in the 12th grade for 50 years now. Based on the Flynn Effect alone, today's kids should be doing Calc in the 10th.

The problem is that curriculum must be designed to do this. Which means that the kids must master everything by the 4th which they knew by the seventh. We need a complete revamp of curriculum.