If you shoved a list in anyone's face, they would probably be instantly on the defensive. Giving the list to the librarian or principal is a nicer way to accomplish things, especially if the principal asks for resources.

Presentation is key. If a parent told me, "Have you seen this book? It has some nice resources." I would be more inclined to pick up the book. However, if the presentation was more caustic, I don't think I'd be in a chipper mood.

Giving a list of resources is a good idea for schools. My undergrad work was in both Early Childhood Education (Birth-2nd grade) and Elementary Education (1st-6th grade). In the two majors, I didn't receive any courses on Gifted education. All my gifted courses were during my graduate work.

Edit: Of course I may be biased. I'd be thrilled if a parent took initiative in their child's education. I have a few parents, but most parents are MIA. I've heard far too many, "My Mom can't order books from Scholastic because she needs money for cigarettes."

Last edited by Saturday; 03/04/12 07:16 PM.