Originally Posted by Melanie73
Many of the resources I'm finding are Social-emotional, Parenting and Critical Thinking resources. All of these are wonderful, however I'm specifically looking for more challenging Math and Science for my 3rd Grader. For example, once she has learned her multiplication, I assume it's on to Division? And then to Pre-Algrebra? I just don't know what steps to take her through in sequence. The book-store workbooks seem too easy, or boring for her.

Is there any guide for parents that shows step-by-step what the kiddos should be learning in which grade?

I've asked her public school for the curriculum but it's either buried in the website, or nonexistent, because I couldn't find anything.

Thanks so much for any good tools that will tell me how to supplement her learning at home.
You can check out beestar. My daughter has been using the GT math program. The worksheet are full of all real life world problems, challenging stuff to help kids thinking. I like the math program best. Beestar also has science program.