Originally Posted by yannam
Originally Posted by Austin
One mom asked DW how much we "work with him" and just did not believe that we don't do much at all. (And feel guilty that we don't..) Heck, we can't stop him from singing all the time, picking out CDs at the store, or telling us which songs he wants to listen to in the car.
I do not agree

'working' with your kid definitely helps,however smart one may be,logically it should help more for gifted kids. teaching a work ethic helps immensely to any kid

My point was that Mr W is intrinsically interested in music and works at it all by himself. He is the most advanced kid for his age his piano teacher can recall. He does not need any support from us other than a correction here or there. Just by supplying the right environment he pushes himself.

There is a difference between innate self direction and external pressure for motivation. There is also a difference between mindful work and mindless work.

The key is to end up with a person who is intrinsically self motivated who works via a well thought out approach who constantly evaluates and adjusts their methods.

Sure, the kid who is pushed will surpass the kid whose parents ignore his desires, but the kid who wants to do something who is scheduled and support by his parents will surpass the pushed kid, all things being equal.