I wish I had some advice/tips for you. I can completely relate though as my 8 yo dyslexic dd is already very concerned about what her classmates think of her and being different. For her she needs a quiet environment to work so we convinced her to wear ear plugs and/or noise cancellation headphones. At first, she was reluctant to actually wear them or she would only wear the ear plugs and put her hair down over her ears to hide that she was wearing them. I had a chat with her and told her that what is the most important is that she is comfortable and she does what she can to be successful and that what her classmates may or may not think about that doesn't really matter. And I also told her that where I teach many kids wear the noise cancellation headphones, sometimes as many as 5 in a classroom and that seemed to help her a bit.

But whether or not this will work when she's in older grades is another thing.... I know how important image is in middle school and high school.