Originally Posted by sydness
I wrote another email to the VP describing dd's feelings and how she was crying ...and other things, like the fact that her 6 year old sister was actually doing her Math homework for her. Also, that dd hadn't reported meeting with the librarian or the counselor.

I got a response from the vp via email telling me to meet with the teachers.

So I emailed the Math teacher....But the homework was still too easy. I got an email back saying that the 4th grade team met and that homework is not about having a challenge, but about responsibility, time management and organization....

I replied

She is learning that she can complete her homework in three minutes and therefore doesn't really have to plan to do it. ...I'm really not sure if this email is what did the trick...BUT she came home yesterday with more appropriate homework...in Math, given to only those id'd as gifted.

Also, the librarian emailed me to introduce herself,
the councilor called

...My point is to not give up.
Beautiful job of Advocacy. You can be proud of two things -
1) Persistience - you matched them every step of the dance. You didn't over think the VP's response and did as directed. You kept the ball moving down the court. Eventually you got results. This puts you in a great position to get more results if you need them down the line.
2) Code switching - you spoke their language, 'crying' 'social/emotional problems: feeling lonely' 'learning organizational skills such as planning' - you listened to their concerns and spoke their language! Brava!

Smiles and more smiles

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