Originally Posted by sydness
For some reason my midwife was wearing gold bracelet that dangled slightly. As she took the baby to the table to suck her out, the baby grabbed her bracelet and would let it go. My mom snapped a picture. I never told anyone but my husband, but I was alone most of the day when I was pregnant and when daddy came home every day, she would kick very hard after being quiet all day. This happened every day. Every day he would poke her back and call her booper. I know for a fact that she knew him before she was born. We used to drive a lot and play music. Over and over she would "dance" when we changed to country music. I swear! Before she was born. Dh and I don't like country music. Today, at age 9, dd is a dancer and loves country music! Lol.

Sounds familiar. Every night from about the beginning of the third trimester I would read aloud to DW and DD, and DW quickly noted that this was DD's most active part of the day.

Each time before I would start reading, I'd call her name twice in a particular cadence and tone. I was doing this on purpose, to see if she'd recognize me on her birthday. Her "OH MY GOD" moment already passed (without boring you too much with details, it had something to do with her deciding to accelerate her own delivery), she was swaddled and placed, screaming, in my arms.

I only said her name once before she stopped screaming and locked eyes with me. I was rocking her side to side, and her eyes were tracking my relative motion. And I stared at her, thinking, "She's not supposed to be able to do this...."

Later that day she was lying on my chest, picked up her head, looked over at DW for a handful of seconds, and laid back down... and again I was thinking, "She's not supposed to be able to do this..."