No- not the one you're thinking of, but it got you to look, didn't it? smile Anyway, DS6 is only in Kindergarten and just this morning he told me that "School is boring." "All of my classes are boring" and "I don't like going to school." He's already going up to 2nd grade for math and reading, but he says those classes are boring too. Chinese was his favorite class but as of this morning that class is boring too. He says they keep learning the same words that they have already learned. He says the bus is the only part of the day he likes (even though there's a kid on there that has been pushing him around).
There have been several things that have happened in the last week or so that may also be at play here. His 2nd grade teacher is back after having been gone since Thanksgiving (they had a long-term sub during that time) and I know he has a different teaching style than the sub did. Also, there was an incident as DS was leaving 2nd to go back to the K class the other day where another kid "tackled" DS and knocked him down. The teachers intervened and DS wasn't hurt but was upset. That same day DS got in trouble for being disruptive twice (once in 2nd and once in K).
I'm not sure what to do at the moment- try to talk to DS and wait it out- maybe he's having a bad week, or go march in there now and demand.... Well I don't know what to demand wink. The momma bear in me wants to go in guns blazing and tell them to take better care of my child but the more rational side of me realizes that this probably isn't the best idea. Any thoughts?

Last edited by vwmommy; 02/09/12 03:08 PM.