I am new to this forum. Have been a silent reader for the past couple of weeks. My eight almost nine year old was tested this year in 3rd grade. He scored a 9E(V-) in CoGAT and 99% in ITBS for reading and Math. The school will not do anymore testing. They have identified him as very strong in Math and Reading based on the CoGAT and ITBS scores. From 4th Grade he will be pulled out of class for a couple of hours each week for AG work.
Right now he has been getting complaints from his teacher that he is not finishing his work on time and he is not paying attention. She says he does not follow thru with the tasks assigned to him. The GT teacher who tested him remarked that he was probably just bored. He is a well behaved kid but since last year I have noticed he doesnt like school as much as he used to.
I have never thought of him to be super smart but he does pick things up very quickly. He was an early reader and he loves legos and puzzles since he was 3. He is my first born so I do not have much experience in recognizing if he was advanced for his age. I do not really remember his milestones.
Do you think getting him tested (IQ and achievement ) will help with better understanding his needs ?
It costs quite a bit so I was wondering if the testing is really necessary or if I should just challenge him at home with work that is a grade above his current level. I have no one to talk to about this , my friends think I am crazy to be worried that my son scored so high on his tests. He is almost 9 and I do not want to kill any potential he may have.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.