teacher or homeschool friends,...how much time each day (days per week) do you spend on the following subjects...math, language arts (breakdown reading v. writing), social studies, science, arts and PE? mostly the first three...we homestudy now through the school district and I'm sure my DD8 is moving much faster than in traditional school, but I"m not sure how much time she should be spending on things. I tried to get an acceleration, but they shut me down...I asked what if she finishes the 3rd grade cirr. early, will they give us 4th? The answer was no. And, even though the teacher admits Butter sometimes seems bored on the classroom day, even she asked WHY I would even want to accelerate her.
I have decided to let her go as fast as she wants, which will probably result in finishing the year by May, if not sooner...I'd estimate she is doing the required work in 1/3 to 1/4 of the time, but would like to be able to point that out to the teacher to argue for a grade skip at the end of this year, I guess...
So I need to know how much time is supposed to be spent on these things in a "regular" school so I can make that comparison. tia!

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...