Hi Everyone,

My DS6 just transferred from a Montessori School (grade 1-3 classroom) which was not meeting his needs. He is now the youngest member of a 1st grade class in the regular public school.

Here are his results from a recent screening...
1. Raven's: 36 (>98th percentile)
2. For reading: DRA2 -- 28 (end of 2nd grade/beginning of 3rd). This would have been higher but he had difficulty completing the written work.
3. For math: GMADE: aced the 1st and 2nd grade exam and knew some of the material for the 3rd grade exam.

And yet, despite all he knows, my son seems to be very happy and never complains of being bored. He loves the specials (art, music, etc.) He demonstrates pretty classic intellectual, emotional, sensual, and psychomotor overexcitabilities.

I am torn as to whether I should advocate for acceleration to 3rd grade next year. He is obviously not learning very much, but he is happy (at least for now). He is scared of the unknown and would might be resistant to the idea of skipping a grade. And yet, loves to challenge himself -- he completed an entire 2nd/3rd grade Singapore math workbook last weekend just for fun.

Do you accelate a kid who doesnt seem bored but who isnt being challenged? Any thoughts or insights on this situation would be greatly appreciated.

-Ultralight Hiker

Edit: DS is scheduled to take WISC soon, and I'm thinking of getting the Iowa acceleration scales... not sure if he's taken all the assessments necessary to complete the Iowa form.