My dd6 has an august birthday. He is in first grade. Our cutoff of January so I was amazed that she has been the youngest in her class for two years. 8 out of 14 children on her class this year have been red shirted. Lucky die her cause she enjoys the older kids but I just don't like when people don't play by the rules so that their children can appear brighter. Ugh! I can't ask to skip my April baby, but u don't even need a reason to hold back your June baby if you want him to be bigger. I wouldn't have such a problem with it if is was fair. Parent placement for all. Not just people with enough money to send their children to preschool an extra year. Not just for people who want to hold back but for those who want to enter early as well. So sorry about the rant. I have observed the classy dd is in and helped with field trips. There ate so many older kids that they all seem to be doing just fine and all have friends. The only time I have seen it not work is when there was a very gifted boy in dd then 5's class. He was 6 in kindergarten and quickly became my dd's best friend. The teacher said my dd was the only one who could understand his advanced language. I asked that they be separated because he wasn't letting her make other friends. They were separated and are in different classes. Dd claims that this year he often doesn't come out to recess and chooses to stay in and read. It is obvious that this boy is lonely and would no better in the next grade up. His parents held him because his motor skill (just a little clumsy) not delayed and because he did not like to participate in preschool cirlclr time.

It is easier to try kindergarten and decide to repete than to convince thebachool that red shirting was a mistake and they now need to skip.

Sorry. Typing with my thumbs.