We chose where to buy a house based on the idea that DH and I were 'above average' and the local schools were above average too. Priced ourselves right out of the homeschool option and made private school darn difficult. Turns out that their are levels of giftedness and our local schools are well above average but just didn't work for our unusually gifted son.

I see giftedness as having a developmental path that is unusual enough that 'off the shelf' solutions aren't likely to meet a childs needs. A kid who is 1 in 20 level of giftedness is going to be easier to accomidate than 1 to 200 or 1 in 2000. That is what IQ tests can tell a family. Weirdly to people with 1 in 10 kind of smartness it is almost impossible to distonguish beteen 1 in 20 unusual development and 1 in 2000. So any individual teacher might be trustable or untrustable but at least teachers have a wider range of experience than parents.

Giftedness has a strong genetic component so your child may seem perfectly similar to their cousins and to your memorises of your sibs. People seem to choose friends and mates from the same general level of intelligence so your vhild might again seem perfectly normal compared to your friends kids. Many of us end up in workplaces that are much less diverse than evn a classroom in a fancier school diistrict. Teachers and pediatricians have a huge advantage here. Go and observe a kindergarden classroom in a district you are aim to move to....not a tour be sit quietly iin the bacj of the classroom for 35 minutes. Look att the level of books on the classroom library shelf. Go to. The school library and see the books that kindy level kids are allowed to choose from....that's right many school libraries bar younger kids from reading most of the books in their library. Observe sevveral grades in several schools. Never listen to what the adults say about their program.

Anyway...welcome aboard.

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