PolarBear, I had the test done because he was so unhappy his first grade year, and he was asking for more math. Everytime I talked to his teacher, "Oh he's happy, he's fine, he's on level." But he felt like he was struggling with reading, and because of that he wasn't smart. I kept asking the teacher if there was was another way to test the reading, and she would say he has as much time as he needs (within the 15 minutes). So his assessed reading level was just under the first grade reading level while at the same time months after he had read Wayside school stories he could tell you all about it.

Sorry about the rant. Last year was very frustrating. I looked at the scores again because I remembered the nonverbal as being lower than the verbal, and he is starting Singapore 3a (the school still won't accelerate his math). I was just wondering how it all fits together. He really doesn't like to read, and loves doing math. Possibly because the Sequencing score was so high.

Yes, the tester noted that he had some fine motor issues that possibly lowered his spatial score.