Hi everyone. It has been a while since I posted. We've been busy here having lots of fun. Anyway, next year we will be officially homeschooling. Right now we just do what every DD is interested in. Next year we will be getting money from the state of Alaska and can chose any resources we want. So can you recommend your favorite curriculum choices?

I am thinking EPGY for math. I have no idea about good ideas for others.

I could use some recommendations for a foreign language- she want's to learn Korean, science (lots of hands on, 4th or 5th grade level), we will need to do language arts, but I have no clue where to look for this. She has basically been self taught and is reading on an 8th grade level, but comp on 4th/5th, word recognition at low 12, vocab at a 9th grade level, so I am at a lost on this one.

To receive money from the state we will have to send in samples of work from each subject twice a year.

Also can someone give me more details or point me to a post about details for EPGY open enrollment.

Thanks so much!

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.