Wow, thank you for all of the advice. My husband and I alternate between let's "just let him be a kid" and "something MUST be done." He took the MAP test again today and grew slightly in reading (6 points, to 224), but gained 17 points in math since this fall (215). The teacher has tried to accommodate him but it never seems to be enough. This is his issue as well, as he feels strange being the only first grader reading Harry Potter or doing the 3rd or 4th grade math workbook. He is happiest when being challenged and learning new things, but doesn't want to be different, which we understand.

We've scheduled a meeting with the principal, G/T coordinator and teacher tomorrow. We'll see if there's anything else that can be done.
We also have a meeting scheduled with the psychologist who specializes in G/T.
I really appreciate all of the suggestions -- it's impossible to find someone to talk to about these things without sounding ridiculous. We want him to have meaningful work and continue to grow...we're afraid if we leave things as they are, he will be miserable in a few years, if he isn't already.
I think we probably should pursue testing at some point-- perhaps the school district will conduct it? I suppose it never hurts to ask.
Thank you for all the advice -- it helps to feel like I have all my ducks in a row!