Originally Posted by Grinity
Originally Posted by Michaela
Ok, I'm probably not supposed to be thinking about writing an "Opposites" book including "arbitrary/determinate" "nature/custome" "tradition/inovation," and "Predictable/unpredictable," am I?
I think you are supposed to - afterall if you don't who will?

I'll put it right next to the equally fictitious 'Nerd Baby's Milestones Book'
...first Spoke quote
...first use of reference material
...first Google search
...first SF convention
...first use of sarcasm
...first thoughts about G-d

Regular baby milestone books just seem really to miss the point to me.

I'd buy both books. But I think the Nerd Baby book also needs a special chapter on "Parenting a Nerd Baby - Rites of Passage," where I could put things like:
*received first blank stare when talking about my child (oops, every ___ month/year old isn't interested in ____?!)
*first time I advocated for my son
*reached one million explanations today
*first time my child sighed and gave up trying to explain something to me

Originally Posted by Michaela
But once he hits the REALLY hard questions he kicks into incicive mode & thats when it gets really painfull, becauswe there's a construction worker over there on the other side of the bus listening in while I try to explain why cement is grey from a mechanical, optical, and ontological perspective, and somehow I feel more bound to answering thought-out questions and also more stressed out by it. And someone's ALWAYS listening in!

I was explaining stoplights and traffic (and modelling it with a pink motorcycle and a man riding a squirrel) to DS2 in a play area today and looked up to find four other mothers staring at me. I could feel my face turning red, but I had to laugh about it when I read Michaela's post. I'm so glad for this place.