I just received this announcement from SENG and thought it might be interesting to this group.

Gifted, ADHD, or Both?

The answer is not always as clear as we might think.

Intellectually gifted children whose needs are neglected or misunderstood may exhibit traits and behaviors that resemble those of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and be wrongly diagnosed, possibly resulting in unnecessary medication and unintended harm. Young gifted children are especially at high-risk for misdiagnosis, in light of the new extended guideline for ADHD diagnosis.

To alert the pediatric healthcare community to the potential for misdiagnosis and the complexity of dual diagnosis, SENG, in coordination with its Professional Advisory Committee, has issued a news release and suggested resources as part of a public awareness effort.

Please help us by distributing the following information to members of your communities:
SENG News Release
Recommended Resources

As part of this effort, SENG is also publishing for free on YouTube its video The Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children, formerly available only by purchase.
The Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children

We thank you in advance for your assistance in this important effort. Together we can work to ensure that no child is ever medicated who does not need to be.

Mom to DS12 and DD3