Hi all, I hope you don't mind my posting here. So, I am a mom of two girls, 28 month old and 10 month old. I've been on a researching binge as it's started to sink in my DD is more than usually smart. I mean, I guess I am realizing I need to do something more at this point, I've known she was smart for a while.

I've known since her birth she'd miss the K cut off (Sept baby), but that seemed so far away and abstract I thought well, she'll get an extra year of pre-school and that'll be nice for her. I figured we'd just keep her going with fun things at home.

Then she started talking, and around her 1 yr birthday knew several words. She had tubes put in in Oct after having repeated ear infections over 6 months long and constant fluid issues. She'd been baby signing with us for a while with lots of words.

By 14 months (we made a list at Thanksgiving that year) we counted she knew at least 50 words. Very soon after, she was speaking in sentences, which then became 5 or 6 words. Before 2 yrs, she was adding clauses, and I take for granted what she says as complex sentences and questions.

Some examples from recent days: I'm trying to get soap and water so I can wash this hair (at bath). Mommy, can you wash this shirt so I can wear it tomorrow? Mommy, do you call Daddy [his name]?

We took a walk in the woods yesterday (her first time) after a recent snow. I was talking about how pretty and quiet it was, etc. I asked her what she thought and she told me it was spooky.

We were talking about the grocery store at home during a bathroom visit, and I asked what she liked to get at the store. She named something, thought for a second then added, but we don't need to get any because we have some (we did). There's a bunch of other stuff but I have probably said enough for now.

I was shocked to see what books/parenting web sites are talking about for three year old milestones like knowing some colors, 5 word sentences, following simple directions. We are well past this type of thing.

She goes to day care several days a week where they seem to do typical things, lots of coloring and crafts, reading books, playing with toys and costumes, discuss ideas like sharing, etc. I don't think they are doing anything special in terms of playing/teaching at this age.

So, this is a really long way of asking do I need to be worrying about her entering K as a basically 6 year old when at 2.5 she seems to have skills more like a 4+ year old already? What should I be doing in terms of preschool?

And upon reading about early milestones, I'm thinking her sis the 10 m old is pretty smart too, the DC has volunteered that she says some words they understand (I agree, but didn't ask them).

Thank you for your thoughts.