Good afternoon, all. I'm new here and this looks to be a fabulous, if not overwhelming resource. I'm wondering if anyone has a comment on a situation my son is experiencing in his freshman year of high school.

He is completing AP Geography and is ranked third in a class of juniors and seniors. Next year, he would like to take AP US History and has the recommendation of his current teacher as well as the approval of the History teacher. According to the curriculum catalog, the course pre-requisite is "instructor approval", but also states it's for grades 11 and 12.

When he sought the required signature of the Assistant Principal of Curriculum, he was denied, based on the grade 11/12 issue. I am completely shocked that an administrator would deny him placement because he is one year too young, especially given his established track record as a gifted student. The administrator said that doing otherwise would "open the flood gates for other students" to do the if that's somehow a problem. I really don't see that there's a deluge of sophomores seeking admission to AP courses.

According to the district's own web page on the subject of gifted students:

Arizona State Law:
The governing board of each school district shall provide special education to gifted pupils identified as provided in Section 15-770. Special education for gifted pupils shall only include expanding academic course offerings and supplemental services as may be required to provide an educational program, which is commensurate with the academic abilities and potentials of the gifted pupil.

The problem is...when I looked up this statute, it had been stricken, and replaced with other, less helpful language.

What would be the best way to proceed, given these circumstances. I'd be appreciative of any/all input. Thanks in advance.